Teenage acne treatment in Mumbai

How To Get Rid of Acne? Explained by a Dermatologist

Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition that affects majority of the population at some time during their lives. Teens, young adults and even mature adults may suddenly develop recurrent and stubborn acne. Read on to find out how to get rid of acne and understand what is causing it in the first place.

The severity may vary from minute blocked pores called comedonal acne to large pus filled painful cysts called cystic acne. The most common form however is the presence of small red bumps that may be associated with pain and pus formation. The condition usually affects the face, upper chest, back and shoulders.

Call 9930993600 to book your consultation with Dr Niketa Sonavane.

Ambrosia Aesthetics, Andheri West, Mumbai.

What causes acne?

  • Rise in the hormone levels during adolescence cause enlargement and over activity of the oil glands in the skin.
  • The canals that bring this oil to the surface become blocked with keratin (a protein that is part o f the skin).
  • When these oil glands are overactive and the canals are blocked, the bacteria that normally live on the skin and in the oil multiply and inflame the skin.
  • There may be a hereditary tendency and may also be associated with underlying hormonal imbalances especially Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome in young women.

What are the factors that aggravate acne?

Season and weather

Flaring of acne is common during the summer and monsoon seasons and in otherwise hot, humid and dusty weather.

Stress levels

All kinds of physical and emotional stress can aggravate acne. Exams, work projects and deadlines, pre- wedding stress too is a major factor in brides-to-be!

Menstrual cycle in females

Pre-menstrual and mid cycle aggravation.

Dietary factors

Consumption of oily and sugary food high in trans-fats and high glycemic index. Poultry and meat fattened with hormones is a majorly under rated cause.

Wrong skincare habits

Application of greasy, comedogenic products. Failure to wash the dirt and pollutants off the skin.

How to get rid of acne?

Acne of all grades can result in permanent physical and mental scarring. The aim is to control the acne, erase the post acne pigmentation and to reverse the scars caused by the acne. Contrary to the popular belief, the treatment of acne can be started at a very early age in order to prevent permanent scarring and the social embarrassment associated with it. The secret to successful control of acne is a ‘Holistic approach’ towards the treatment which involves:

Daily skincare routine for acne prone skin.

  • Wash the face with a non soap cleanser for oily skin. Look for contents like salicylic and glycolic also known as BHA and AHA. These help in controlling the oil production, keep the skin gently exfoliated and prevent the pores from getting blocked.
  • A mild scrub containing poly beads can be used once or twice a week.
  • Water based toners containing BHA, AHA and witch hazel are also helpful in unclogging pores and reducing pore size.
  • Sunscreens are indispensable even for oily skin. A calamine based or gel based sunscreen can be used to absorb excess oil and keep the skin looking fresh.
  • Tea tree oil based lotion can be used as an alternative to prescription medications in the evening or night.

Diet and lifestyle changes for acne prone skin.

Which is the best acne treatment?

Call 9930993600 to book your consultation with Dr Niketa Sonavane.

Best Dermatologist in Mumbai.

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